Fight my clone Garfakcys! Conquer all!

Mar 17, 2007 02:12

1. Name: Veronica.
2. Nickname: Nika.
3. Age: 19.
4. Birthdate: January 18th.
5. Height: 5' 6"
6. Gender: Female.

7. Favorite Color: White. I know, I know.. It's 'not a color'.. e_e;
8. Image Color: Maroon.
9. Eye Color: Green.
10. Hair Color: Black.

11. Symbol: Water.
12. Favorite Animal: Rabbits. They're very sweet and gentle.

13. Character: I'm very quiet when I first meet people. I'm not shy in any form though. I just like to observe them at the beginning. However, a lot of the things I say can come across wrong when I do speak. I find it easy to understand people and see them as predictable most of the time. With all of that said, when I'm with my friends, I tend to be sort of a "whack job". I'm the kind of girl who still finds spitting fake blood at people and acting as if I was a part of a soap opera fun. My passion lies within my art though. I'm an artist of many trades.
14. Likes: Art, literature, psychology, dreams, my family and friends, intelligent people, the grotesque, the Victorian Era, spirituality, and horror flicks.
15. Dislikes: First impressions, my naivity, bigots, liars, 'junk food', politics.. I could continue for quite a while.

16. Favorite Person: To be honest, I don't really have a favourite person.
17. Hated Person: The one who won't let things go and won't take 'no' for an answer.. Doesn't everyone have someone like that?
18. Loved Ones. This is different from the favorite person question: My immediate family (my mother and father). Over the years, I've come to realize that no matter what I do, they're the ones who will never abandon me.

19. Specialties/Talents: Understanding people, being able to lighten any situation, sleeping, photography, poetry, sketching, my ability to lose terribly at any game..
20. Hobbies: Art, reading, drinking tea and coffee (yes, those count as hobbies), playing my beloved Genesis and Sega CD games, playing with my rabbit.
21. Interest: My loved ones, dreams, literature, manga, capturing obscure beauty through a camera lense, and drag queens.

22. Strong Points: Able to hold a decent conversation even if I know nothing of the subject, pulling good advice out of thin air, intelligent, spontaneous, loyal, friendly like a stray cat..
23. Weak Points: Naive, spontaneous, the bad advice I give every so often, my sleeping habits (I'm more of the nocturnal type), blunt (what goes in my head oftens comes out of my mouth), hurt easily, often ill.

24. Personal Policy/Motto: "Dream not of life, for it will not dream of you."
25. First Person: Watashi.. I suppose. It's what I chose to use in my Japanese class years ago.
26. Type: "The obligatory smart ass"

27. Mature or Immature?: A mixture of both. More mature than immature at times.. And vice-versa. It depends, really.
28. Leader or Follower?: Leader. I have a distinct problem with being ordered around. I find being subjected to obeying someone else's every whim is not only annoying, but unintelligent.

29. What kinds of food do you eat?: Lots of health foods. I eat mostly vegetables and fruit. Every now and then, you'll catch me eating a hamburger (I crave them.. I swear it's not my fault!). I drink mostly tea and juice. I also consume a lot of soy products.
30. Decribe your personality: I'm an introverted extrovert with mild cases of insomnia and delerium. My mind not only thinks in morbid patterns, but finds itself unable to compute anything remotely logical. Surprisingly, I'm able to choose the most oportune moments to state the obvious (can you feel the sarcasm?). I'm either extremely quiet around you or strangely talkative. I choose my battles and let things go easily when I find them to be a waste of time to dwell over.

31. Favorite DK character and why?: Alfeegi. He really does amuse me. :D

32. Anything else?: I hope I didn't offend anyone.. I also hope there aren't many typos in this.. x_X;

33. Include a picture or describe your physical appearance:

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