1. Name: Stacy
2. Nickname: Kerena-Chan
3. Age: 17
4. Birthdate: November 2nd
5. Height: 5'6
6. Gender: Female
7. Favorite Color: Bluegreen~!
8. Image Color: Violet!
9. Eye Color: Brown
10. Hair Color: Brown
11. Symbol: Cat
12. Favorite Animal: Cat
13. Character: Ah! As a start I'm pretty open with people no matter what and for the most part I'm optimistic and friendly. I'm more of the type that throws themselves out there to get people talking or to break a silence, that is if I'm comfortable around the people I'm with! XD; If not then I'm quiet, observant, I'll keep to myself and will probably be sleepy! Ok so I'm mostly sleepy/bored. D: I also have a good sense of humor and I've often been told I stick up for people even though I didn't have to. I am also very, very random and will do crazy things without caring about people's opinions. :D I'm very sarcastic and sometimes my comments slip at times when their NOT supossed to. >> oops~!
14. Likes: writing, friends, video games, anime, reading, learning, cooking
15. Dislikes: Idiots, stuck-ups, tomatos (oh noz!), bees(;__;)
16. Favorite Person: Tashii!
17. Hated Person: =D I really don't hate anyone, I normally forget the people I hate, it's not worth remembering.
18. Loved Ones. This is different from the favorite person question: All my close friends. They mean the world to me.
19. Specialties/Talents: I play soccer, run track, I can write, play the violin, piano, clarinet, and keyboard, and fiddling with HTML, photoshop etc.
20. Hobbies: writing, cleaning, reading, music, keeping busy!
21. Interest: Game design, writing, pocky..?
22. Strong Points: I am determined! I'm open to the public, funny, witty.
23. Weak Points: Emotional!, sometimes shy, aloof, bored easily, talking too much!
24. Personal Policy/Motto: :D yo momma's bebies daddy! <-- I don't know!
25. First Person: Watashi-ness!
26. Type: I'm the girl that comes in 5 different flavors~!
27. Mature or Immature?: Stuck in the middle there. xD
28. Leader or Follower?: Ack! Depends on the situation.
29. What kinds of food do you eat?: :D Anything, we're talking about a willing and living garbage disposal.
30. Decribe your personality: At school I am dead to the world in class, unless it's a fun class, but otherwise I'm serious or just letting my mind wander and thinking of ways to knock the teacher out so I can write! Outside of all that I'm cheery, sarcastic, random, and I love being surrounded by friends. There are times when i feel really down but I get right back up again in no time!
31. Favorite DK character and why?: Mm my first one would have to be Gil. He's got a complex past and not much is known about him, until recent. He's a feline demon or used to be~! Very quiet and keeps to himself. My second would be Alfeegi!! I love how he puffs up and rants out Ruwalk and how he tells the Dragon Lord what to do when it should be the other way around. XD Hey come on it's cute! Andhehasaquatealishhaiiiiiiiir do you KNOW what that means?! No? :D It's awesome!
32. Anything else?: Thanks for reading andddd... J-rock owns my soul.
33. Include a picture or describe your physical appearance:
I hate cameras. XD