Once tagged by this entry, the assignment is to write a blog entry of some kind with six random facts about yourself. Then pick six of your friends and tag them. No tag backs. this explanation should be included.
1. I can't burp...and I'm sure I've told most people about that cause it's just weird.
2. I'm happier than I've been in my whole life...and I'm single...I may stay this way forever!
3. I announced my name change at work a week ago and no one has given me a hard time, though some people are a bit confused that I'm not male identified. I'm waiting until I mail the papers to tell my parents.
4. I'm a visual thinker and sometimes I can't find the words to describe what I want to say, which is why I sometimes don't say anything.
5. I plan on seeing pyramids, I like watching documentaries on them, pharaohs and volcanoes.
6. I can't sing and play my guitar at the same time or get confused and lose where I was...no matter how well I know the song.
and I tag...
joliephreakthisisamuffinmearagrrlcatoumbrainfreezeincessant ...cause some of you don't post enough!