
Nov 09, 2009 20:45

Ok so quick life update:

Still looking for a decent place in Chatswood to live. I can't find anything I like in the area I like. It's now quite urgent that I move,as I'm back at mums, but I'm trying not to rush into a inferior place. I'm picky! Every place is good in someways but the bad (eg too far away) outweights the good.

I just finished nannying full time (ie parents went to another country) for over two weeks. I am very tired and very behind on my work. The kids were sweet but it means I'm really tired and may NEVER want kids!

Generally enjoying my work. It's so much fun, but reports are due. As my job involves teaching the whole school I have to write over 400 reports. According to the Principal they want me to teach at the school next year, but they're not sure what I'd be doing (casual, full-time ect) yet.

Joined ok cupid as I'm missing certain...interactions. It's quite fun and I've met some pretty nice people on it. Haven't met anyone in person yet, I haven't even seen my closest friends for two weeks!!!

I miss people as I haven't seen anyone for a couple of weeks. I will slowly catch up with people, but as always I'm very busy.

Dk xx
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