all you texts can belong to gmail

Oct 09, 2010 15:39

well, we are fast approaching final frontier of phone to internet
integration. As I had planned to upgrade my Samsung Spica (aka i5700)
mobile running aging Android 1.5 to something decent (specifically,
version 2.2 with custom modifications by widely known in narrow
circles LeshaK),
I carefully wrote down list of applications I had to reinstall, did
some screenshot drawings, and finally realized that everything in my
phone is either synced (email, contacts, calendar) or already in
network (RememberTheMilk todo list) - except one thing: text messages
(aka SMSes).
A quick search in the market for "backup sms" found a splendid
program, called "SMS Backup+" by Jan Berkel, which syncs them (both
ways) to my Gmail account, and after about half an hour of very slow
syncing (wifi did not help much) I have new "SMS" label with almost a
thousand of these little things there. And yes, they are threaded, as
all phone numbers were lined to appropriate contact names (where
available), otherwise it is 12345@unknown.person (mostly happens with
magic text messages from mobile carrier, Skype notifications, etc.)
The program can do restore (have not tried it yet), and -- most
important -- syncing: real-time (a minute or two after text is
received) or batch (once every couple hours.) One can also opt to only
sync over wifi.
The only disadvantage is that all messages are time-stamped with
current time, not time of their creation (not a problem with automatic
Still, the usefullness of this program is significant.
Of course, if you do not want Google to know what you were texting
about, this feature is not for you. But who cares? They mean no evil.
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