FIC: A Man After Midnight

Apr 11, 2009 00:05

Title: A Man After Midnight

Author: dk323
Rating: PG-13, slight R
Characters/Pairings: Ten/Martha, Rose
Spoilers: Up through The Doctor's Daughter
Disclaimer: Don’t own Doctor Who, just playing with its characters.
Summary: (Crack!fic) Rose and Martha take advantage of the downtime the Doctor has given them. Leave it to say, the Doctor doesn’t know what he has unleashed…

Author’s notes #1:

I wrote this after The Doctor's Daughter, and it's now completely AU after the Series 4 finale. This is my take on what would happen if Rose returned to traveling with the Doctor after the events of Series 4 and Martha joins them for a trip or two once in a while. Donna as well, but she's off visiting family during this story.*
*Edits have been made since that time for betterment of the overall story...

Author’s notes #2:
Rose and Martha are already established as friends here. You have to assume that the mudslinging and catfights all happened before this… Oh, I wish I were joking about that. *mumbles something about fandom*


They were drunk - oh they were so very drunk. So drunk that they decided to make a visit to the Doctor’s bedroom. It wasn’t very often that he actually slept - they wouldn’t miss this golden opportunity for the world. No, the universe.

“Why’s the room spinning, Rose?” Martha wondered.

The two were leaning on each other for support…otherwise Martha was sure she would fall down and never get up.

Lesson number one of what not to do on an alien ship: Don’t drink unidentified alien alcohol.

But see, they were in the kitchen and Rose had found it. And they thought of this really good drinking game too.

One shot - mention a time when the Doctor spoke in techno-babble

Two shots - mention a time when the Doctor got ‘shouty’

Three shots - mention a time when the Doctor stroked the TARDIS

Four shots - mention a time when the Doctor turned you on (that got them drunk real quick)

Five shots - mention a time when the Doctor waxed poetic about bananas

“It’s all wrong. The ceiling…” Rose pointed downwards. “…isn’t supposed to be there. What’s it doing there? You think it’s the TARDIS being silly?”

Martha shrugged. “Doctor’s a bad influence, I’m telling you. Him and his banana fetish.”

Rose started laughing so hard she almost fell over, “Bananas! Oh god, the bananas!”

“Gravity’s a harsh mistress, wouldn’t want to upset her.” Martha said as she helped Rose up.

Rose looked carefully at Martha. “Ya think the Doctor’s really sleeping? What if - you know--”

She shook her head. “No, no way. He wouldn’t.”

Rose raised an eyebrow. “After Jack? After the captain-envy? After the bananas?”

“Now you’re just saying bananas because you can!” Martha accused, though her tone belied the lack of seriousness behind her accusation.

Rose grinned, “It’s a nice word. Ba-na-NA. He ever let you try his banana daiquiris?”

“More than once. He even took me on a trip back to pre-Revolutionary France just to show how he--”

“-invented the banana daiquiri!” Rose exclaimed.

“In all its glory.” Martha said.

“Believe me, Martha, I know. Oh, the stories I could tell…”

Martha shushed her. “Tell me later. We’re here,”

Rose nodded, mimicking Martha’s finger to the lips. The two of them couldn’t help but giggle as Martha turned the doorknob, the door easily clicking open.

They haphazardly stumbled around in the dark, holding on to each other.

“You know what I’ve never tried while I was drunk?” Rose whispered in Martha’s ear.

“Oh no, you tried that the last time, remember?” Martha reminded her.

Rose rolled her eyes. “Oh all right. Fancy another try though?”

“Like I said before, not unless we include a third party.”

“Jack would be up to --”

Martha interrupted her, shaking her head. “Jack’s too easy. It should be the Doctor. He’s more of a challenge.”

“You drive a hard bargain, but I guess you have a point…”

“Oh sh--” Martha uttered suddenly.

She had unintentionally backed into the bedside locker and felt something against her leg.

She turned around and noticed a stethoscope coming out of the top drawer.

Martha beckoned Rose over to see it, “Look, it’s my stethoscope! I knew it! He took it from me - without asking too!”

Rose looked at the object curiously. “What would he need a stethoscope for?”

“I’m not sure. Donna told me she saw him looking at it one day with a sad look on his face. Like he lost his puppy or something.”

“Aw, he missed his doctor.”

“No, that can’t be it. He knew he could see me any time he wanted.”

Rose patted Martha on the back. “Don’t lie to yourself, Martha. You know how much he missed you being there to give him CPR.”

“I’ve about given up trying to figure him out,” Martha said, a tone of finality in her voice.

Rose let it go, and grabbed the stethoscope, an idea forming in her head.

“Hey Martha?”


“You still have your iPod?”

“Yeah, why?”

Before Rose could explain, Martha felt a hand take hold of hers and pull her forward on to the bed.

She just stopped herself from yelling out when she heard the Doctor say, “Hello, Martha Jones.”

Martha looked to Rose who motioned to her to get the Doctor asleep again and then rushed out of the room, stethoscope in hand.

Martha sighed and adjusted herself on the bed so that she was on her side facing the Doctor.

Who was staring rather attentively at her. She couldn’t help getting a brief flashback of being in a similar situation during their visit to see Shakespeare.

“Doctor, you’re awake,” she said softly.

“Yes I am. Is that a problem, Miss Jones?”

“No, but why’d you pull me on to the bed?”

“Does there need to be a reason? I saw Rose leaving - are you two planning something behind my back again?”

“Nah, she just went off to call Jack. We like him a lot.”

The Doctor sniffed, getting defensive. “You three having fun without me?”

“No, Doctor. Like Jack said before, you only have to ask.”


Martha gave him a half-smile. “We think you’re very pretty. Don’t sell yourself short. Didn’t Jack talk to you?”

The Doctor gave a long-suffering sigh. “Not in so many words. I think I received the message though.”

“Oh, Doctor. You’re hopeless sometimes.”

“And you look lovely in the dark, Miss Martha Jones.”

“Tease,” she poked him playfully in the chest.

The Doctor smiled at her, lightly caressing her cheek, and looked into her eyes. Looking into his eyes, Martha almost felt as if she was falling into the dark abyss. Though it was terrifying at first, she couldn’t help but feel exhilarated. Traveling through time and space does that to you, she mused.

“Do you miss him? Tom, I mean?” He brought up.

“Doctor, I’m drunk, all right? I’m in bed with you and you keep looking at me like you want to do something more. So would you just kiss me already?”

So much for thinking with her head.

“Wouldn’t that be taking advantage of you?” He looked at her, confused at her boldness.

“Not if I do it first,” she said before she slammed her lips into his.

He responded just as eagerly, his tongue easily gaining entrance into her mouth. Martha moaned when he went down and licked her neck.

“You have far too much on even when you sleep, Doctor. How is that?”

The Doctor grinned at her deviously. “You can take it off if you want.”

Martha smiled back at him and started unbuttoning his pajama top.

“Your hair’s a circus, by the way,” she commented.

“Do you always say random things when you’re drunk?”

“Oi, I’m talking to the King of Random here.”

“Well then, if you must know, I really do miss your spiky hair.”

Martha snorted. “I know you like to play with it, cheeky alien. I could feel you petting my hair even when I was sleeping. You think you’re so sneaky.”

He only looked slightly affronted. “Miss Jones, I think I must punish you now.”

“All right then. Go ahead, Mr. Smith,” she challenged.

And he was suddenly on top of her, smiling. “You asked for it.”


Around half an hour later, Martha - looking slightly disheveled - left the Doctor’s room.

She bumped into Rose, who steadied her before she toppled over.

“What took you so long? I heard you two talking and then--”

Martha couldn’t stop herself from blushing.

Rose looked at her in surprise. “You didn’t!”

“Had to be punished,” she only said, though Rose noticed the shifty look on her face.

“He’s asleep then?” Rose asked.

“Like a baby. What’s the grand plan?” Martha wanted to know.

“Well with the iPod and stethoscope, I was thinking we could play, “Guess the Song.” So we place the earphones to the Doctor’s ears, play a random song without knowing the song title beforehand, and guess what the song is with this--”

Rose held up the stethoscope.

Martha soon realized what she meant, “You really think his hearts will beat to the tune of what he hears through the earphones?”

“Yeah, I mean, it is possible, right? My mates and I used to do this sort of thing all the time. And it was much easier when the person was asleep.”

“I think it’s a brilliant idea.” Martha said enthusiastically, clapping her hands.

Rose did a small curtsey. “I only come up with the best.”

The next day, Rose and Martha heard the Doctor humming the ABBA song, “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! (A Man After Midnight)” as he moved around in the console room.

If anyone asked, the two would flatly deny that they had anything to do with it.

Okay, so could they help it that after hearing that song the first time, they couldn’t resist setting it on repeat?

rose tyler, doctor who fics, one-shots: 10/martha

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