Title: The land of dreams (1/1)
Author: dk323
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 3,629
Characters/Pairings: Merlin/Arthur, Bran Davies, Will Stanton
Disclaimer: The show Merlin is property of the BBC. The Dark Is Rising book series is property of Susan Cooper.
Summary: Arthur thought everything would be fine as long as his father didn’t discover that Merlin
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Glad you like the magic wardrobe -- best way to travel. :p
Thank you. I couldn't resist adding a quest -- it'll give Merlin and Arthur a chance to bond before Arthur's King. Not to mention had to give a shout out to Arthur's quest for the trident. Now here's another quest for an object of questionable importance. ;)
I'm glad you liked their portrayal here. Yes, definitely a lighter setting compared to the apocalypse. ;) And I just could see Bran and Arthur clashing, so I couldn't resist their ridiculous argument about crowns here.
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