~ Merlin 3x04 ~

Oct 02, 2010 22:02

3x04 | Gwaine

Show of hands -- who kind of finds the idea of Merlin/Gwaine rather appealing? I loved their friendship/bonding moments here wherein Merlin (yes!) mentions Balinor for the first time in S3 and there was some nice bonding over lost fathers between Merlin and Gwaine. Aww! :D

I liked that Gwaine came to rescue Merlin when those "knights" were messing around with him. Gwaine was generally awesome in this episode (and half-naked too...OMG. YES. THANK YOU).
Even if Gwaine enjoyed drinking a bit too much and forced Merlin to intervene and figure out how to pay for the expenses;
(Arthur: Merlin, you are so dead. Deader than dead. ...
Merlin: It was Gwaine! I swear, it was Gwaine! Remember him? Heroic? Saved your life at the tavern? ...
Arthur *raises brow*: You're sleeping with him, aren't you? Don't lie to me, Merlin. ...
Arthur glares (mutters "it's like Lancelot all over again") and says: You're going to pay for this, you know. Oh, don't you worry, Merlin. You're going to pay. ...
Merlin *does not* squeak like a mouse.); at least Gwaine went to Merlin's rescue later on (with the thug knights -- ahh, I'm repeating myself :P but it was a good scene!) and had Arthur's back during the melee.

Gwaine is forgiven for his disorderly conduct. *nods* I could watch his scenes with Merlin multiple times -- they were lovely. ♥

Backtrack: I liked that little moment at the beginning at the tavern...where Gwaine asks Merlin for a jug, then he proceeds to drink from it...and then soon after, Gwaine whacks it over the head of one of the thugs and is all, "such a waste, eh (of a good drink ;))." :P I also liked how Gwaine continued to refuse announcing his status of nobility even to the end...despite his punishments/being exiled...even Merlin trying to convince him to so Gwaine could stay, he was all "noble" and wanted to be judged on his character, not what was in his blood. :)

Gwaine's moments with Gwen were so cute. I almost liked them better than Gwen's scenes with Lancelot, which is saying something. Gwaine/Gwen just seemed so giggly/flirty and it was overall fun to watch their scenes. Gwen, of course, makes a point of saying she's not available...she has that thing with Arthur... but aww, Gwaine, bless him...he still can't resist flirting with her and making her laugh at the end of the episode. Aww, love!

I didn't mind Arthur doing the jealousy thing at the end (I'd been expecting it), but him scoffing over Gwaine and Gwen could do so much better...was made infinitely better by Merlin being there to tease him...reminding Arthur that someone of Gwen's station can't be seen with a nobleman, getting that little dig in at Arthur. And the pushing/shoving thing Arthur and Merlin did as they walked away at the end was cute. What a great way to end the episode. :)

P.S. I'm still behind Lancelot/Gwaine though. Think about it, they both befriended Merlin and had nice bonding moments with him...and Merlin would be their matchmaker! And they're both kickass knights, though Gwaine is a bit rowdier, but I'm sure Lancelot can keep up. *whistles*

Next episode: Morgana has interesting things to do! *cheers* And Merlin visits the Crystal Cave and is haunted by visions...and oh no, will he kill Morgana? Morgana would like to see him try. :P I'm looking forward to this one -- should be a good one with going into a (possible) future...most likely includes Arthur/Gwen... but er...Gwaine & Lancelot will be present too, I hope? All is well with the world. ;)

merlin, reaction post, merlin: series 3, commentary

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