So, did everyone like the end of Ashes to Ashes? Cause I did. :D
So Mark and I missed the first five minuted playing a marathon on Rock Band 2 (which we finished after the ep) so we got in when Ray was trying to cut the rope. Oh jeez I loved it. Every bit of it - Gene sniping at Alex because she left him hanging, Ray, Chris and Shaz gossiping about them... I still uphold that it was a VHS he had, not Betamax (just cause the latter's tapes are smaller, and those were vhs tapes, cause they were big in the hand).
Keats as the Devil/Devil figure (maybe more a Mephistopheles rather than Lucifer himself) was kinda obvious, although I did like the scene where he kinda got Ray, Chris and Shaz on his side for a mo (except Shaz wasn't as sure from when he opens the door on the stairwell, cause that girl is brainy!) and they're in the place with all the lifts, but the only one that works is the one that goes down. (Who knew there was a lift to Hell in the station?! :D)
And when Alex discovers the grave and its Gene? How many people saw that coming? How many people were shocked when Jim came out of the shadows? Shit that got me kinda. But Gene finally realising that yeah, they're all playing in his constructed world? My heart both broke and rejoiced, cause I guessed something right.
I just loved all of it (even Daniel Mays really weird growling laughter and his overacting in the station). But I loved Nelson as St Peter, opening the gates of Heaven and letting them in (he nodded to Alex, so the door was there for her... More like Aslan than St Peter then but whatever)... And they finally kissed!!! And, 'A word in your shell like, pal,' made me so happy, because Gene will carry on being the skinny kid who needed fattening up. Also liked seeing the reflection of dead!Gene in the window and our Gene reacting to it.
And I have my NaNo story - Molly the cop in Gene world, and she finds out that mummy was there, that she loved her more than life (she was moving heaven and earth to get to her in the first two seasons) and in the end, Gene helped her pass over... So we get to see Rachel writing angst, fluff, deep introspection and supernatural stuff all in one big 50k word document! :D
Oh, and after we finished watching the epicness that was Ashes to Ashes, we played more Rock Band 2. The first track we played? Carry On My Wayward Son by Kansas (made known to a lot of people by Supernatural). Now with SPN that song made sense (cause of Sam) but after watching AtA? It hit home. So I want a Life on Mars/Ashes to Ashes vid to Carry On My Wayward Son (like... Gene "emoting" to it, telling them they can chill out now, or some higher being saying it to all of them, including Gene (cause he needs to have a pint too) and being all cool and rocking with it). Actually, a few tracks on Rock Band 2 made me think of AtA. I'm just so happy it ended WELL (as in, I don't feel the need to rewrite and change it like I do with a few other fandoms - Voyager, I'm mostly looking at you, but we've had issues for a while).
So today Mark and I are going to Carmarthen (along with Ru), but before that we're visiting his side of the family. Now I don't mind visiting, but after seeing his parents, we leave stinking of smoke. When he does it there's only that slight haze of, 'Hmm, you smoke?' Coming out of their house? 'OMG let me breathe in fresh air, eat breath mints and shower in my clothing!' But it's ok, cause after we're going to Carms, I'm gonna start tentatively getting ideas for my wedding dress (Mark and I have set a year and a month, but gonna hold out for the date until we know when half term is cause his siblings have all bred and Mark wants them there. If that means I have kids at the wedding fine. If they're noisy during the ceremony, so help me God!) and Ruth's bridesmaid dress... I'm in a, 'Lets look at pretty, expensive things!' mood. Which is awesome.
So yeah. Hope everyone has a good day and I might be back to squee about Prince of Persia later (seeing that instead of Robin Hood - rocket on!)
Rach xxx