Jul 26, 2006 19:42
My life has been pretty decent so far. My job is going well. They must like me because they keep sending me on delivery runs with one of the pick up trucks all over Pennsylvania and New Jersey. I havent been sent to our Wilmington, Delaware area or store yet but who knows. I am making progress in my warehouse training besides going on delivery runs. Last Wednesday Ferguson didnt have power for the whole day due to some Labor Day 98 type storms that came through. (for those who read this from syracuse know what I am talking about.) Basically, trees and power lines down everywhere, streets closed, over 500,000 without power, home and business damage due to wind, and lightning that made the sky look like it was day instead of night. We pulled orders with flashlights until I helped get a generator and then they made me in charge of setting it up and keeping it running. That was cool. This week has been busy thus far with doing a modified third shift which is from 1pm to midnight on Monday night but of course I went in at noon to make it a twelve hour day that way I can leave friday early for harborfest. YAY. Tuesday consisted of a meeting then 5 hours of loyalty training which is needed but boring. Today consisted of making a delivery to philadelphia then catching a ride with the truck driver who delivers to the store I delivered the pick up and products to. I went with him on the rest of his runs for the morning. I got back and helped pull an order then I was given the task of loading the other pick up and going to a job site at the airport. I had to be there no later than 2 and it was 12:45. It was doable I just couldnt fool around, I had to hustle. The reason I had to hustle was because Security at the airport was going to be very tight and the traffic was going to be busy due to the fact that the first round of refugees from Lebanon where coming at 2:30 and they didnt want me to get stuck. So that was fun making all that work. That has pretty much been all I do. I cant wait till this weekend when I get to party with my friends and hang out with my fiancee all weekend. I miss her so much. We have been doing well with this distance but its been 3 weeks or so and we are very ready to see each other. Harborfest will be so much fun and I just need to have some fun. Sue and I are talking about wedding plans almost every day and I am so proud of her for being able to plan our wedding without wanting to kill me because I am not there to help. I do help in anyway that I can but without being there it does make it rather difficult. I cant believe that in less than a year I will be married to the most amazing woman in the whole wide world. (Sorry to the other ladies who read this if any, I cant lie, I do have the most amazing woman in the world.) Other than work and Sue and I, my parents are doing well enjoying summer vacation. I did see them last weekend when we went on a family trip to albany and I met them there to see some of our family that live there but it was a short trip and I wish I could have enjoyed it more by having it last longer. Oh well I guess. Wendy is raising hell by going to concerts and such. I havent talked to her much lately so thats all I know about her. I hope everyone else is doing well and Im sure Ill update again. Oh yeah just one more thing... IF *you* are reading this... I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!!