in honor of the holiday:

Nov 23, 2006 15:44

This is completely original (ie not fowarded) Just something that I know I forget to think about.
Sometimes all the things I should be greatful for having are lost in everything I keep wishing I had.
I am greatful for:
1. My family- always supportive, understanding, loving. 2. My best friend- whom I have put through so much shit, and yet- she is still there and still cares, so many other things. 3. College- I forget how lucky I am to be given this opportunity. 4. My friends- can make me smile, pretty much no matter what mood I am in, they can make me laugh. 5. my computer- Its survived me soo far- and been dependable (knock on wood). 6. My memories- I have had such a wonderful life, full of all sorts of experiences, from canoing and Spelunking, to falling in love, to being part of a band of sorts, to ballet. 7. Good health: I rarely get disabilitatingly sick, once again knock on wood. 8. My teachers: starting with my mother, and all the way through college, I have had wonderful, patient, knowledgable teachers to point me forward. 9. My dashing goood looks: lol Not really. again: 9. my country- despite our POS leaders, we still live in one of the most free, wealthiest, most developed countries in the entire world. 10. Music/art/theatre: our expression.
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