Oct 11, 2007 17:24
School is going good in many respects so far. I have an A average in both my classes, Calculus 1 and Statistics. The professors for these 2 courses couldn't be more different tho'. My Statistics professor is arguably the best teacher I've ever had. He's really good at explaining things, letting you know exactly what you should be studying, he gets EVERYONE in the class to participate, he's very easy to approach, etc.
My Calculus professor, on the other hand, is without a doubt the WORST teacher I've ever had. He's completely scatterbrained, unorganized, does problems wrong, doesn't let us know what sections we should be working on, mumbles to himself while "lecturing", shows up late or not at all (he slept through one 10am class), never knows what day it is or what time class ends. We started the semester with 30 students, we are now down to 13 students and at least half of the class has a D or F average so far! It's UNBELIEVEABLE. He told us we all had to turn off our TV's after we got back our last test. Of course our dismal performance has nothing to do with the fact that he teaches us nothing. I'm lucky because I have been able to learn from the book and some outside study aids and took Calculus 20 years ago. The one other person getting an A in the class and I are going to be talking to my Statistics professor about all this next Tuesday since he is the Assistant Mathematics Department chair.
Oh, and another sucky thing is that I won't be able to take Calc 2 next semester because there will only be ONE section offered and it's at 2:00 in the freaking afternoon Monday and Wednesday. So, if you work for a living no Calc 2 for you! I'm looking at getting my Computer Programming requirement out of the way, along with Advanced Geometry next semester tho'.
Also, I'm learing all the crazy stuff I gotta do to be admitted to the Secondary Education School: career essays, community service, praxis tests, making up a portfolio of Math work from 200-400 level classes, reccomendations, it's nuts.