I caught four mice last night :)
They're currently hanging out in my old mouse tank complete with bedding, food, water, fresh grapes, a toilet paper roll to play with, and a little mouse castle to hide in. I will be taking the little buggers to a field eventually. They're all little baby girl mice, and it makes me wonder if they were fetching food for the little lazy boy mice.
Here's my best pic ever of Dad's efforts to catch the mice:
I went out and got traps that don't rely on balance to trap the guys. They're like the ones above, except they have two doors, and those doors close when the mouse steps on a button in the middle of the trap. I have set them by keeping one door closed and placing the peanut butter by that closed door, so there is no chance of the little guys stretching with their feet outside the trap to get the food. Yes, this happens. I caught my first mouse by shoving his little butt all the way in the trap when I had the bait in the middle. Ha!