
Sep 29, 2012 18:13

so lots has happened since my last LJ post...tales of the cocktail has come and gone, followed by me quitting my job and spending a few weeks making up for lost time with friends. then hurricane first hurricane in new orleans, i evacuated to atlanta and went to dragon con. my liver has suffered. though i'm happy to say the only thing we lost in the storm was a weeks worth of power and my supply of new mexican green chile. after all that i hopped on a big boat and sailed to mexico. there was beaching, and snorkeling, and a lot of reading on the deck watching the ocean while sipping blue frozen drinks with umbrellas. oh yeah, and tequila, way too much tequila.

but i am finally back to regular employed life. working 2 jobs, bar tonique (my favorite hangout bar in the city) and a new restaurant in mid city called serendipity. i'm working with some wonderfully talented folks (including the amazing paul gustings!), and its been really great. i have a drink coming out on the new menu at tonique, named for the last month of my life.

1.5 oz evan williams single barrel bourbon
.75 oz yellow chartreuse
.75 oz lemon juice
.25 oz vanilla bean syrup (2:1 ratio)
.25 oz allspice dram
garnished with a sprig of mint
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