(no subject)

Jan 29, 2011 18:44

it seems that livejournal has become a bit more lively over the last month. i'm seeing posts from people who haven't posted in ages. so i thought i would do my part to keep up the trend...though itsa been so long since i've posted i don't even really know what to say. life update i suppose.

this year has been off to a great start. i have finally reached my financial goals in order to get the hell out of albuquerque. this place has never been a proper fit for me. my goal is to be leave over the summer. i'm thinking new orleans...though that is not 100% set in stone. i really love that city, and i think it would be a nice change.

sometime before the move i'm also going to take a trip to london and morocco, i'm really excited about morocco. and after that i plan on taking at least one overseas trip a year. i'd like to see as much of the world as i can.

i've been missing san francisco quite a bit lately as well. i would also like to be able to visit there more often.

hmmm...that's really about it, as i'm sure no one cares to hear me bitch about work. though i have noticed that in the past year i've developed a habit of turning on all the lights in the house every time i'm home...it drives me crazy if my house is too dark. i'm going to blame this new obsessive behavior on the fact that i've been working in dark bars for far too long.
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