baaaaaaaaaaaaaack -- new Halloween mix!

Oct 12, 2007 13:41

Underfoot "Mega Mutant Pumpkin Patch Jam Band"

1. Nagual Sound Experiment "The White Lodge / Black Lodge Dub" ['Invisible Movements' - Liquid]
2. Etnica "Trip Tonite" (1996 original) ['Alien Protein' - Blue Room Released]
3. Salakavala "Super Soaker" (Calamar Audio RMX) ['Tentacle Tubuc' - Antiscarp]
4. Epi Centrum "Epi Centrum" ['5 Tons of Flax' - Mechanical Dragon]
5. EvsY & Ocelot "Dreamatics" ['Dream Theatre' - Cosmic Theatre]
6. Trold "It's All About Cycles" ['Time of Illusion' - Glowing Flame]
7. Orgon Flow "Beathacker" ['Psylight Moments' - Northern Psylight]
8. Bio Genesis "Geostygma" ['Big Bang' - Materia]
9. Bliss Vs. Painkiller "Dwarf Hunting" ['Molecular Counterpart' - Phantasm]
10. ITP Vs. Nitro "Ping Pong" ['Ping Pong' - Shivlink / Enigmatic Sound]
11. Psysex "Dominatrix" (LOUD vs. Goblin RMX) ['Private Lesson' - Drive]
12. RAZ "Halloween" ['Twisted Fairytale' - Sundance]
13. Etnica "Trip Tonite" (Ethilic Eden Mix by Aes Dana & Nova) ['Totemism' -]

Starting to read old friend posts...will take a while to get up-to-date..
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