World of WarCraft and raiding.

Mar 01, 2007 13:38

I was worried sick when I saw this thread thrown up in my guild forums about pretty much all the content past Karazhan and Gruul's Lair (even some in Gruul's) were very VERY potion/flask dependant.

Why would this worry me, I love World of WarCraft right? Well, yes I do love the game and what Blizzard has been able to accomplish with it and make me actually enjoy/like an MMO (hated Everquest, Planetside, etc.). But if I have to farm anywhere between 4-10 hours a week to get materials for flasks and potions that is totally unenjoyable. My playtime is roughly 20-30 hours a week to play. Three nights a week are being in raids which eats up anywhere from 15-20 hours of my playtime. The other 0-10 hours of playtime I am usually PvPing or running the new 5-man instances to get my reputation up to where I can be able to run these dungeons (again) on Heroic difficulty for better rewards and to get keyed for some of the end game dungeons.

I might be able to squeeze in the time to farm for potions and consumables but you know's not enjoyable. Not one bit. Part of the problem also is that my professions are Leatherworking and Skinning which is arguably one of the most difficult crafting skills to work with right now. The respawn rate of the mobs that drop motes has been decreased causing the effect of 1-driving up demand and 2-driving up the price of said items that use these items.

Anyways I am digressing from my point: consumables & raiding. Basically I do not like the fact that they are required for what seems to be all the high end 25 man content in the game. Tigole though has come in to say that this is a problem that they are aware of and are currently looking at fixing [link]. He also addresses the gear issue where going from Tier 4 to Tier 5 is practically not worth the amount of gold (read: extra time outside of raiding) to get.

I dunno, I hope it's true and I hope it comes soon because I should be hitting up Karazhan soon.

Oh also, my profile is up on the new Blizzard Armory, feel free to check it out and comment on how awful my gear/build is.

raiding, wow, raids, burning crusade, instances, world of warcraft

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