I was sitting here thinking about the upcoming Calgary Expo. If I'm going to travel 8 hours to see it, I want to have fun for all four days, not just a day and a half like last year. Not saying last year was shitty or anything, it was a night and a day of Epic Squeedom.
http://paddedcell22619.yuku.com/topic/2569/Calgary-Fan-Expo-Squeefest This year, I want to go for as much of the full deal as I can. And from the looks of it, some of the Brigade might be interested in coming too? We'll do some gofundme or something maybe, get some help with plane tickets for the people coming from the other side of Canada. :D
So just for fun:
If you had your own Big Geeky Expo what guests would you want to have come? (pretend you're guaranteed a visit and maybe a convo at a pub or something)
Hmmm... actually, for shits n giggles, lets make it a day and night thing. Add on your favorite Bands for a nice Night Festival of Music. Daytime, hang out with your favorite actors/artists/writers, etc, and at night, the whole fuckpile of you go to a music festival with bands of your own choosing.
wow. just the thought of combining the Calgary Expo with Terminus festival makes me happy in my pants. :D
SO! Gimme your Night and Day lists, who you'd love to meet AND who you'd like to see live in concert. Let your brain roam free!!!
(hell if I ever get filthy rich I might organize something. how fun would that be?!)
If you're interested in coming to the Calgary Expo with a group of wierdos (leghumps my girls), check here, we're kinda sorta organizing there. All info in one thread!
http://paddedcell22619.yuku.com/topic/2617/CALGARY-EXPO-2015 On a side note, this Wednesday Night, BOOMSTICK EDITION, usual time 7:30 pm CST (gmt-6) at www.hardwiredradio.ca Most of the links are in the side bar here, from the chatroom to alternative links to the show, to time conversion :D
Any requests, let me know!