Jan 31, 2009 17:12
Past week has been pretty decent. Tim and Mike are officially back in EQ and have main chars.
Mike joined Tim, Tj, Trysh, and I at Bdub Tuesday night. Mike, Tim, and I were all good friends in 5th and 6th grade when we lived in Pleasant Lake Apartments. This was the first time we were all together in over a year and 1/2 and even more before that time...so it was glorious. We all talked for 3hours or so and stayed for the whole Cavs game at B-dubs. Very good times.
Yesterday was Tryshs bday. She hungout with Nesi and Roger for a bit. I her to Olive Garden (ive been eating salad, dont tell anyone) for dinner and they joined us. We were supposed to go snow tubing with a bunch of people but Trysh ended up not wanting to go so we didnt.
Fun week so far. Looking forward to Tuesday again tho for my weekend and BDubs.