It’s been a long month, but I’ve now finally, as of Friday, made the big plunge and moved to London. Crazy I know, but it was always something that I had wanted to do, but had never actually done.
Well now I have!
Moving on Friday was an interesting experience to say the least, what with never having moved before. I’ve moved other people, I’ve moved partners, but I’ve never actually moved myself, so this was totally new to me, and in lots of ways I guess I’m still finding my feet on the whole thing.
I’ve now got most of my stuff unpacked, I’ve got my PC set up, I’ve got my stereo set up, and right now I’m sat here listening to the Hitchikers Guide to the Galaxy! In my own place, well as much as it’s my own place in a flat share.
Since being here I’ve been to a gig, I’ve DJ’d, and more importantly than all of that I got to meet up for a last minute gathering with friends… that’s the thing that always frustrated me over the last year or so, always missing out on stuff like that because I either wasn’t here, or I had to travel home. Well now I don’t.
It feels great being near a lot of people that I actually really care about. A fair few of them were out on Saturday Night, and few were gutted they couldn’t be.
It’s like the first steps of a completely new life. That’s really quite a cool feeling.
So yeah, not been any updates in the last month as I’ve been totally preoccupied with getting ready to move, and trying to get everything together, but I’m back again woot!
Originally published at
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