Well I just got home from watching Cloverfield with G and a load other guys. Man what a fucking kickass movie this is. Being that I’m so far out of touch with most things that don’t revolve around music these days I didn’t really know much about it other than it would seem it was the answer to the one question that stopped me completing the crossword on Sunday… bastard!
Anyway, brief idea, monster turns up out of the sea, trashes New York. That’s pretty much your major story line, but man it was so Lovecraftian it ruled. It was said the effects were a bit ropy, but I rather liked them to be honest. The sheer amount of military hardware exploding everywhere was awesome, and the way this was shot reminded me a lot of Children of Men, which was one of my favourite movies I watched last year.
The sheet futility of everything was just awesome.
I’m not sure I should have been giggling so much through the movie though… hmmm…
Go watch this one!
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