Title: letting it settle Author: djsoliloquy Fandom: Assassin’s Creed. Rating: PG-13 Characters/Pairings: Altair/Malik. Summary: Malik eats way too much of Altair's cooking, followed by comfort cuddles to combat tummy aches.
AND IT'S MORE LIKE I DON'T REALLY CARE WHO IS PEEKING BEHIND ME?? Also this is the class I made that awful newsletter for, so it's not like... it demands my attention.
Those people behind you had no idea what kind of treat awaited them this morning at the other end of their snooping exploits! and with any luck they will thank you for it profusely? that newsletter was a work of art
I felt their thanks, even if they didn't say anything. and hahaha i am glad you thought so, it actually took effort to make it look that bad
oh, btw, i sent you a message on tumblr and I was wondering if you got it?? this is like the third time i've something to someone and they told me they didn't get it. >:(
unless you haven't got around to answering it yet then i will just sit here embarrassed.
alskdjf yes it did come through! On most weekdays I'm online in the morning and at night with nothing in between and I basically just got home and started checking email, so. It is a very annoying system sometimes. Do not be embarrassed! *snug*
and wow you are like a fanfic-reading ninja! Well done! *A*
AND IT'S MORE LIKE I DON'T REALLY CARE WHO IS PEEKING BEHIND ME?? Also this is the class I made that awful newsletter for, so it's not like... it demands my attention.
/goes back to shamelessly reread
/ushers you to it~
oh, btw, i sent you a message on tumblr and I was wondering if you got it?? this is like the third time i've something to someone and they told me they didn't get it. >:(
unless you haven't got around to answering it yet then i will just sit here embarrassed.
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