im sorry (last update maby)

Oct 18, 2005 18:35

yeah i havent used this in a long time, it lost all importance. lots have happened and i just wanna say sorry to everyone it affects.

sorry i kept blowing u off all summer. it was wrong of me to not talk to u, and be that way. steve tried to help, and i lied saying id fix things.

sorry i joke about u and tom, and your car. i know ure not exactly happy where u are in life, and i shouldndt make it harder for u by teasing u like this. thank god ure going back to your red sho.

sorry for not being in school the day that report was made. im barely taking this class serious, and i hope my lack of participation dosnt screw up your grade. and im sorry we lost touch over the years. i miss the times we could chat for long w/ no fights.

sarah c
sorry i seem like such a dissapointment to you. i must seem like a giant hypocrite, and for the most part im not. just for some strange reason whenever i tlak to you about something serious, i go and do the wrong thing. i said i was a respectful guy, and i blew that (still haunts me). i said u shouldnt drink, and i get hammerd and drive around at 3am. maby things coulda been diff for us.

im sorry for being me basicly. im sorry for saying what i did to you, i dont mean it. it was wrong of me to get so upset over the race. im sorry for not always being there, or vic versa. im sorry for causing you any trouble, or discomfort. i dont mean it. ive always wanted the best for u.

and im sorry for whatever else i might have done to anyone. hopefully i cna control my life now and mature past high school soon. i dont like the drama, i wanna live on my own and get away form it. but im still here for anyone who needs help, i always will be :)

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