May 15, 2008 10:25
I knew I'd inadvertently forget about this place again. xD
Anybody playing WEWY? It's all I've done for the past three weeks besides working.
It's the only game I've taken a Brawl-break to play, haha.
Also, Brawl is amazing, and I'm a tourneyfag, so I'ma step up and say that Wolf is going to be high/top-tier ['cause you know we have to make tiers for EVERYTHING].
I don't like Pit as much as I was hoping I would because of his lack of killing moves, but he does have that secret l-cancel. :D Still very do want.
ALSO, NESS. For no reason. That kid is so rape, even though the bat got nerfed.
Um... back to WEWY. xD