Jan 18, 2006 19:00
I got my schedule for work this weekend and I'll be busy and exhausted by the time this week is over with! I have two afternoon shifts. One is for orientation on Friday and Saturday is trainning for a few hours.
Other happenings today:
Books came in the mail woohoo!!! The last two: On Resumes in Communication careers, On-Air Radio broadcasting.
So I'm at the dentist and I walk in at 10:35am and leave around 11:15am, but damn it I hope I don't have to go back cause there's a possible chance that I'll need a root canal and a crown and my thoughts on that: Shit! Now, I'm doing much better and the bottom tooth doesn't hurt that much, but in a day or two if it hurts I have to go back! I'm not waiting 6-8 weeks. I might be out of the area.
Though this gal will be rocking into radio :)
what a root canal?? a crown,
rocking into radio,
radio shift,