A productive Day yet exhausting

Sep 27, 2005 21:39

Guitar class,lifting weights, spinning class rocked! work went okay(I had to finish up the wheelchair ramp pictures, now comes the organizing part of the project. One of my co-workers asked me: "You are buffed out." My reply: "Yes I am." If anyone is wondering why I have quotes at the end of my entries it's for inspiration for anyone who is working hard in college, jobs, or getting into a career they are passionate about.

Some other projects that I'm working on are writing more songs, getting in more hours at the radio station, and appreciating others for who they are on inside and out. Blared some Snoop Dog and DRE in the car today love that hip hop duo for sure!!

"Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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