May 13, 2005 23:42
OK, today we are going to talk about the gameing industry, and by the gaming industry i mean, the lack of loyalty in this entitty ( i just said en--titty, lol) and by talk i mean bitch about.
See the thing is, back when i started as a gamer, there were already some gamers out there. Im not a purist who says i started with pong, although that was the genesis (in the bibilic sense, not sega) of the console universe. In actaulty i started with the NES. This was my first forey into gameing. With titles like contra and excite bike and outrun, i cut my teath on what would become an obsesive need for all things electronic and hella-cool. The thing i always remembered and respected was that there were people out there who came before. The pioners of a new world of super famcos and atari 2600s and colekovision. These were my elders if you will, the ones who lead me through the deasert of the lowly 8 bit days untill on the fortith night, we finally found the promised land in the form of the three hundred and sixty bit systems of today.
Now if you dont know what a bit is, or if 360 is alot of them, well then you should probable stop reading becuase most likly im bithching about you right now. See i dont mind that there are more people enjoying the games now-a-days. Hell i dont even mind if they dont know jack about how the X-box makes halo2 look sooooooo god damn good. What i do mind is that there is a lack of respect for the ones who came before. I am now, in my opinion, one of the proud who have been in this world for seventeen years, and as such feel i deserve alittle respect from both gamers and the industry.
Let me step back a moment and explain what i mean about respect.First up is the new gamers. Now as i have already stated, i enjoy your new found fun. This industy has now, has always, and hopefully will always follow a "more the merrier" concept. You see its not that i dont want you to be a part of our inner circle, its the fact that we are a minority now in our own god damned cult. We represent to you the old and weak that you as gamers and the industry as a whole have carted off to the mosolieum along with such high concepts as turn based stratagy games and clasic RPGs. We have litterally been raped by the pop culture masses urning for more Tony Hawk and tomb raider, and been robbed of games that cater to our deeper needs such as Fantasy star and Real Final Fantasy games. The problem isnt that you get what you want, its that WE walked through the desert following the prophits and now are told that the paradise we have sought out for so long, actually isnt made for us, its been taylored to the tastes of the same people that thought new kids on the block were awesome while D&D was only for "fags". Im not saying we should burn casual gamers at the stake, quite the contrary i think they are an important and vital portion of our industry, yet in the same breath there is something disaponting about leigi getting the princess while mario is left to plundge the toilet. so in closing realize you are not the faithfull, you have not shed your blood on the alter of gaming. you are the "casual" gamer. Your name intones a lack of passion for what we regard as religion. You dont have to get on the crazy train we ride to oblivion, but what gives you the right to drive it?
Our next festering sore to pick is the one left by the very people we regard as living gods, The industry people them selfs. My fight here is that you have handed these juviniles the keys to our porshe, and let them run free with games you knew were total shit, but that they would drink up like spiked prom punch. There is a sertain amount of blame that falls on the "casuals" but that blame is minimal when compared to the down right unethical actions of you people. When a child ruins its dinner with a cookie there father hand feed them, the majority of the recourse is aimed at the adult who should have known better. You Show us a world of Cell prosesers and then use them to make hot shots golf 12. At some point in your evolution you have changed your focus from players to payers. You have droped the L from the equation and that L stood for love of the games, and the people who played them. No more is it about the story, but instead its about CG-Cut sceans. The ideals of the industry have changed from making games better for us to making Ben Franklin less lonely in your pocket.
There is a plage on us. The end times are near. The last question i have is this. When you cant make the graphics prittier and CG gets as real as posible, where will your fans be then? Do you honestly believe that the casual gamer has a loyalty twords you? that they will buy there games becuse you made good ones in the past? That is exactly what makes them "casual". There lack of pasion for the companies and the ideals of our world. When this end day comes the only ones left will be the few companies and Hardcores that survive the holacost. So untill that day comes, me and my fellow game nerds will be in our bombshelter rollin 20s and dreaming of gaming days gone by. Then you will realize in a Planet of the apes esqe flashback, that you as the developers and pervayers of smut have indead ruined christmas. That will truly be a sweet day.