DSM - Relationships and Recovery Syllabus

Aug 10, 2009 22:26

August 10th, 2009 - September 28th, 2009
Year 5 Term 1 - Relationships & Recovery


Course Description

Relationships & Recovery will be a study into a variety of emotional and family related complaints which are frequently brought to ministers for help. Though this course, students will learn to be able to identify sources of emotional disturbances, provide insight into how negative patterns are perpetuated, understand the scriptural perspective, be able to either provide tools for recovery or know where to direct people for additional help.

Topics will include scriptural basis for being a counselor, boundaries with friends and loved ones, forgiving the sins of people in the past and others.

The goal of this class is provide biblically sound and spiritually effective techniques and approaches to put into your counselor/minister toolbox; for you to be able to pull them out and use them when needed.

Class Requirements

Read and be familiar with each week’s chapters from the book "Boundaries" by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend. Read and discuss the Epistle to the Ephesians in your preferred translation of the Bible.
There will be 6 response papers due at the beginning of class for weeks 2 through 7. Papers should reflect the students’ stance on the weekly subject demonstrating how their understanding of the topic is reasoned from the Scripture or planned future use of the technique would be edifying. Please make sure all work turned in is typed and follows professional standards.
There will be a take home Exam with a brief presentation of your answers due at the beginning of week 8, the final night of class.


WEEK 1 Aug 10th: Discuss syllabus, Ephesians & the biblical counselor.
Homework: Read chapters 1, 2 & 3 in Boundaries. Response Paper 1 due week 2.

WEEK 2 Aug 17th: Discuss emotional & spiritual assessments, planning & prioritizing
Homework: Read chapters 4, 5 & 6 in Boundaries. Response Paper 2 due week 3.

WEEK 3 Aug 24th: Discuss changing the present: Relationship Boundaries
Homework: Read chapters 7, 8, 9. Response Paper 3 due week 4.

WEEK 4 Aug 31st: Discuss changing the present: Coping skills
Homework: Read chapters 10, 11, 12. Response paper 4 due week 5.

WEEK 5 Sept 7th: Discuss dealing with the past: Discovering unhealed wounds
Homework: Read chapters 13, 14 & Handouts. Response paper 5 due week 6.

WEEK 6 Sept 14th: Discuss dealing with the past: Grace, peace & forgiveness
Homework: Read chapters 15, 16 & Handouts. Response paper 6 due week 7.

WEEK 7 Sept 21st: Discuss additional mental illness considerations.
Homework: Read Handouts. Take home exam due week 8.

WEEK 8: Sept 28th: Turn in and present findings for final exam.

Grades & Absences
Grades for the class will be based on participation in the aforementioned requirements. Each student will receive an A if everything above is completed as stated.
For each incomplete or late assignment the student’s grade will be lowered by one increment (from an A to an A-, from an A- to a B+) for each week the assignment is late. For each missing component that is not made up, the student’s grade will be lowered by one full grade. (from an A to a B, from a B+ to a C+).
If an absence is necessary the participation (or due date) may take place the following week without any penalty to the grade. Absences and missing work due to absences will not be grounds for the professor to lower the grade but excessive absences will be handled by the school administration in accordance to school policy.
With all that being said, don’t give up if things get tough! If you feel like the class is getting too hard, ask the class to pray with you. We’re all in this together for one another’s edification. With God’s strength you will do an EXCELLENT JOB!

relationships & recovery, dsm

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