Presidential Thoughts 2008

Nov 05, 2008 17:55

PART SIX: ...and Now for My Final Thoughts...

Cullen sent me a text last night after the results were in. He commented about how, despite it sounding quite corny, he really did think that the world felt different... better. I sent him one back saying I agreed whole-heartedly.

It will be downright strange after eight long years to have a person in the White House whose decision making I do not fear will bring catastrophic consequences. Someone I have faith in to improve our way of life, rather than tear it down. It's true, Obama has yet to prove himself as the leader of the free world, but I'll be damned if he doesn't come off as so... frickin'... SMART!

I think the Onion said it best with their headline today... "Nation Finally Shitty Enough to Make Social Progress". I can barely remember a time when I didn't have issue with the American President. Eight years under Clinton were great, but I took them completely for granted. Didn't know what we had until it was gone, and gone it went. Since then, I have formed very solid friendships with people I have never known away from the Bush Administration.

Yesterday was the first time in my life I voted for the Presidential winner. It was so nonchalant. I just hopped on my bike after work, rode eight blocks to the polling station, filled out my ballot, slid it in the machine, and rode back home. Boom. Done. I, like many, had the sinking feeling all day that McCain had a shot... not a good one, but a shot. Never in my wildest dreams, though, did I think Obama would take FL, PA, OH, IN, NV, NM, and VA! I thought for sure Johnny Mac would've gotten one or two of those states.

But this is the way of things. People are fucking fed up. Sick and tired of war, economic woes, being constantly lied to, and one failed policy after another. I had faith that the fatigue of these past eight years would be the biggest difference maker last night. As I said to Jen while chatting on Facebook during CNN's election coverage, sensibility has to take over eventually. Lunacy cannot prevail forever. We just had to give it some time.

... and now I'm excited as hell. I don't even care if Franken loses in MN (even though I did vote for him). The blue is strong in the House and Senate. The Republican Party is in shambles. I look to the next four years with great interest and overflowing optimism. Unless we've all been completely swindled, the world IS different... better.


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