I was reading in the Christianity Community and found this
http://www.livejournal.com/community/christianity/1552994.html?style=mine site questioning if Christians should vote for Bush, just because he's a Christian...anyway, I hadn't gotten into any conversations or discussions much about the election and some people had some interesting points of view so I felt like getting some opinions here from my friends. Anyway here are some things I commented on in that community:
Why I will vote for Bush:
I support Bush 100%, for many many reasons. I think he is an outstanding leader and he supports many of the same moral values that i support. Also, people say "Democrats are of the Poor, and Republicans are for the Rich...Kerry is a poor mans president, Bush is a rich mans president..." Well, I know which one I want to be so I know whose leadership I'd rather follow. If I'm 20 years old now and just starting my own business, (graduated high school at 16, got college degree in business at 20) I'd hate to be a slave to Kerry's poorman policies. The smart and wise decision is to vote for Bush. If you ever want to get anywhere in life. (financially speaking)
In response to Kerry's Tax the Rich to support the Poor policy:
so you agree with the "Robin Hood Policy", eh. Steal from the Rich-give to the Poor. Funny thing is, is when this policy was first introduced in the American Government, many people were for it, (obviously, because it was voted into action) but the funny thing is, is it didn't work quite like people expected. You see majority of the Rich are wealthy because they are smart, and they figured out a way to get out of the "Robin Hood" Scheme. They found a loophole. The result is that the rich didn't end up getting fully penalized, instead the middle class did, and they ended up paying for a majority of the taxes. 'Robin Hood' backfired in the long-run. The rich ended up getting richer, the poor getting poorer, and left the middle class struggling in piles and piles of debt. History repeats itself, or so you hear time and time again. If Kerry pushes on this 'Robin Hood' policy it'll only end up hurting the nations economy even more. Nobody likes being taxed, especially to the extreme, not even the Rich like being taxed for the money they've worked hard and smart for. If they've found a loophole before, we'll find a loophole again. the only thing that truly separates the rich from the poor is a different mindset. I encourage you to look into this yourself. Don't just believe what people tell you or what you see on tv. Read the book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." It'll teach you everything you need to know. Then you'll understand that this 'Robin Hood' policy will only further increase the gap between the rich and the poor, instead of bring it closer together like it "promises" to do.