Mother Daughter Bonding....UMMM ok....LOL LOL LOL

Jul 21, 2006 14:28

Oh shit...last night I end up going to Sondra's....well we decided to get away from the heat and put my Ducal Ball dresses on hold for a night and we tool a drive towards what I thought was the beginning of nowhere well, turns out it was right on the outskirts of kinda looked or was the same roads that me and J went on back in march when we gotthe Hotel in Tracy and fucked...oops did I say that... YES I DID!!!W ell, I immeadiately thought of J and the song I WATCH YOU was in my player so I hella played it and laughed the lil tweeker off...LOL Well we keep driving and I see just how close to Matinez we are and just like J I saw the sign for Martinez and I thought of my friend Mike whom I met at the MAC show Daneka held in Walnut Creek....Well we continue driving...and I get so fucking nervous cause this car was behind us....I was all bitch I'll J-Turn the truck shes all no you wont...well we hella pull over and see the city of Brentwood and then keep going towards it... well we see this sign and a turn off like a county road to the city of Holt...right outside Stockton...ok shit gets weird here..its like Jeepers Creepers weird you can't turn around and you kinda got to go forward and turn around at a spacious turn or intersection...well I go down this one road and Sondra's all bitch..your fat ass is gonna get us lost...she was acting all brave and shit while I was scared and shit so I turned the cards abit..well she starts to freak...we go through this thing called a subway...its very narrow and water channels on the side of it from the canals...we go through it and she's all bitch you should turn around. I was going to..but could not turn around at we passed a road we were gonna turn on well I back up the road is kinda turned I freak out..Sondra rolls down the window and she hears COYOTES not like one or 2 but a few packs in the distance...we go down this road..I wanna turn around but it's too narrow go down I am scared shitless becasue I had to keep going...I see a water trailer...IT LOOKED LIKE A PERSON FROM AFAR!! Then we see a truck...ver scary looking. Then you cant turn so we end up on private property where there is a couple of trailers and just creepy...Sondra said look bitch there is an old woman sitting on the poarch. I flipped as far I could to turn around and hauled ass outta there....we get back out...suprisingly I remember hpw to get back to where we came comes time to get through that subway AGAIN!!!...this time Sondra freaks the fuck out...she was so damn scared she rolled up that windw and was all screaming....she said the water sheds were so scary looking it was just like someone could reach out and grab you so she said LOL LOL LOL!!!! We get back to where we turned of in the first place pull over neat rhe marsh and look atthe stas I whip my dick out and piss...I had to go.....Sondra was all like you gross pig...we listen to the noises of the outside and look at the stars..we see a car coming we get freaked out...the both of us and get in the truck nad head back to Stockton we get back to her house I rlax a little and come was interesting alot of thoughts through my head...but good times......Latez
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