Feb 07, 2004 11:00
i guess im evidently just a big jerk . . . i know i can be harsh sometimes and i try not to be . . . . i guess it just comes out cause i dont think about it. but tonite jay really hurt my feelings . . . i told him about how at work this guy came up to me and was hitting on me and i basically blew him off, then jay strted to defend the guy and told me i could be a nicer person and that i can be a "booty" i dunno, it just really made me feel like crap, it made me cry . . . i know jay is a very honest person but it always seems like he just points out what is wrong with my personality and it really bothers me. he just kept going on about it and it really hurt me. i cant remember everything he said but basically he called me a jerk. i know im insensitive but does he not realize how it makes me feel when he talks like that. i guess not. oh well. i guess im just left here a big jerk. FUN ! im out. peace homies, lol not like anyone reads this so i dont know why i said that hehe .