good morning children

May 30, 2004 10:58

hello all, the last few days were kinda interesting. Work was pretty slow, didnt sell much friday and saturday, saturday was slow everywhere... maybe everyone that can afford a new cell phone is on vacation? lol Thursday was good I got 5 sales all by myself! Besides that thursday was pretty interesting, as i was workin on a sale a girl was standin at the kiosk and i came up to her, she said her brothers needed cell phones and she wanted to see what we got, i was like um ok bring ur brothers and ill show them lol so she asked for my card and left. So a few hours later i see her commin back toward me, and she says whats ur name again? I didnt wanna be rude and say its on my card lol so yea then she came up to me and we just started talkin, she aked me if i had a gf and stuff, then she said i wanted to give u this, and gave me her #, well neways she was pretty cute and works at forever 21. So friday after work we went to see "day after tommorow" it was an interesting movie, the story was a lil dumb, but the effects were pretty amazing. Overall i would give it a 6/10 lol. Otherthen that im pretty confused rite now, the girl I really like i know i cant be with her, or at least I know i shoudnt :\ so that really sucks. This is totally unrelated to anythin, but if I ever get involved with a girl under 17 someone please smack me, This past week i realized that girls 17+ are way more intelligent then young girls lol. Thats all for now gotta go work at neshaminy soon, then I think im gonna see kaitlyn.
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