
May 24, 2004 11:21

well this past week was pretty good, I saw shrek wednesday and it kicked ass, maybe ill see it again, everyone should go see it! worked about 49.5 hours, made 350$ in commision this weekend, met a few new people. Friday night after worked i chilled with my new friend kaitlyn and went to friendlies near montgomery mall, I dont remember what else I did friday after that. Saturday I worked at neshaminy all day, then me and george chilled with my new friend amanda, went to tiffanies then sat in the parking lot for a really long time tryin to figure out what to do then george realized his girl is in the city so we went to go see her, george didnt want me and amanda to come along, and we happened to be right around the corner from gay st! (12th street) so we walked around, saw some homos, some nasty ass prostitutes, one that looked liked a giraffe :-O Then we met up with george again and i realized its 2:30 and my friend eric should be done DJ'ing so we chilled by his car till he came out. Then we went to another dinner back near our hood, i dropped amanda off and got home and realized the sun is commin up soon lol. I went online for about an hour then went to sleep and got about 5 hours of sleep, had to go to work at 12 sunday morning, it was a pretty good day, had to be on the phone for like 2 hours with ATT cuz they fucked up someones new acount while activating it, and the customer was bein a total fuckin bitch about it, its not my fault they fucked it up, and I told them i would try my best to fix it, she brought her FAT daughther with her sunday, and she started bichin about the phone, said she heard it dosent sound good, im like u had it for less then 24 hours, its our most popular phone, and i think our return rate is less then %1 on any phones, (she had our most popular phone), then she looks at my phone and asks me why i dont have the same one as her, and I said umm well my phone costs 200$, and has certail features that hers dosent, so she just gives me a dirty look. Anyways, after work sunday me and amanda both wanted ice cream sundaes, i want somethin with brownies and with my luck we go to friendlies and they dont have brownies! Thats like mcdonalds running out of fries :\ After friendlies we chilled for a while and talked, then george started callin so we picked him up, and went to suburban dinner chilled there for a while, then we took amanda home cuz she wasnt feelin good, and here i am on this beatiful hot monday morning, bored and alone, didnt go to school, i guess its to hot to wax my car :\ Oh well ill go watch tv, and enjoy my day off, i have alot of tv shows to catch up on.
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