May 26, 2010 09:44
So there exists this dichotomy in the semantics of relationships and intimate engagements. Nice guy v. Bad Boy. Who is the nice guy? Well he's a pushover in short. Who is the bad boy? He's the guy you love to hate. What does it all mean? Well when you meet a girl what are your first instincts? You know you can be the most confident guy in the world but sometimes there's that one girl or one personality that slips under your radar. We've all been there. Sometimes you meet people who enhance your cocky attitude and make you more of a bad boy. And sometimes you meet people who just break you down. It happens to the best of us.
The fact of the matter is you cannot plan or predict this. You are human, you have emotions and feelings that will otherwise be compromised if you feel the right amount of feelings for someone.
For example I've met someone within the last 5 months who penetrated my every known tactful asset. In essence she saw through the smoke. Now for me this was wildly attractive, but in the process my legs gave out and I caved into a mailable mess of emotion and character.
However down to my core I am a sensitive and aware individual, so I've reserved myself when and where I can. I'm not a pushover but based off of my blood boiling attraction to this individual I've gone primal.
Truth is gents, if you meet a lady you really like - there is no knowing how you will react. Every situation is different - you can't use the same tools over an over again. Once in a while it's refreshing to experience that inside out change.
So ride it out and hang tight. If your a bad boy who likes a good lady, step down and open up. If your a nice guy with interest man up and be direct, don't skip the point. Express interest off the bat and ride that out. If she doesn't like you well that's ok. But I have not met a lady who doesn't appreciate honesty and doesn't reward it with curiosity.
In the end it's her choice, so this may all seem pointless - but it's a learning lesson and a tool for the future.