My Facebook policy

Dec 06, 2014 13:09

The more astute among you may have noticed that while I may be back on Facebook, I have not been posting, commenting, or liking.
This is intentional and will continue until Facebook changes its policy to allow users to use their own chosen names.
I don't want my embarrassing "real" surname appearing on people's feeds, but more importantly, I want my profile to be next to worthless for Facebook to sell to advertisers. Hence no posts.
I am only using Facebook when absolutely necessary: for events and replying to messages, and for discussions around FB's own privacy policies. If you would like more quality interactions with me, you can find me on Google+ and LiveJournal under the names you'd expect (Psyche Deejay on G+, djpsyche on LJ).
My brief visits to FB indicate that many of you are still using it liberally. Please stop. If you disagree with FB's privacy policies, SHOW THEM by declining to engage.
I will not be replying to this [Facebook] post. If you have comments, please e-mail them to me or post them on my identical reposts on G+ and LJ.
Thank you.
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