Well, no reply to yesterday's e-mails in which I insisted that my "authentic name" is Psyche, and the name on my ID bore no relationship to the one I'm known by.
Thought of a full name that actually appeals, though: Psyche Nocturnia. Y/N?
I've submitted a request for reinstatement using
this method, but with the volume of deletions that might take a while. I can wait, though. I don't have any events to promote, other than the
Memepunks gig at the Gunners with Bordello Rose on 6th December, and hopefully my fellow Memepunks and our fans will help spread the word on that one. And I am wary of changing my name by deed poll within 10 days of making an international flight. (Christmas 2004 in Gatwick Airport still looms large in my mind. Or should I say, in my Psyche. Ba-dum tish.) If I don't get any satisfaction by the time I get back, deed poll it is. (Deed poll will not accept a single name, sadly.)
Might create an interim profile of Felix Morgan, or some such. That's my last two cats.
In the meantime, as I have no access to Facebook events, what's going on the weekend of the 22nd/23rd?