If you have time on your eyes, and your hands arent busy...

May 10, 2008 23:19

Caveat: it has lost all its formating, but hopefully that does only minor damage. Its a sort of poem but not really. Not sure what format it is in but it is quite intentional.


Professor Prawns Productions Presents:

Rote Causality: Imagine Hundreds of People Winking in Quick Glances at It
By Adrianous Sinclairious, Do. O CAD, P.Eng.

Might I forge an odd link? A GROUP-wink, (winking) is the think.

Consider the culprits: Cause and Effect. BORING, as one might say. Of
course a lot has been said about C (1) and E (1), but have you
considered Blink-winking en masse at a conceptual problem? (1) (1)(1)
(1)(1) (1)(1) (1)(1) (1)(1) (1)(1) (1)(1) (1)=1. And 1 + 1 = 2,
whereas 2 dived by 1= 2, 1 divided by 1 is still 1 though, and 1=1 and
1 x 1 = 1.
One produces the other. And is the other already, being 1 of a kind,
kind being 1, causing being 1, is 1 as well, effect times effect
always equals 1. One produces the other, and the other, and other.
They are their own makers of each other. They grondle here and there,
weevily composed in a dull vitally. 1 is, was, and will soon be 1 soon
and again later before and after being caused monotonously by an
earlier ONE. Example 1: This routinely fingered abacus/incubus tongues
the electric silicone core OS of billion-terabyte flickr photos caused
and effected daily.

1 begat 1 begat one begat one and so on. 1 can never truly equal 1!

To be the "same," they need to not be each other, and thus be distinct
so that they can be compared as comparable. Yet their progenitor code:
(1)ONE's might be described crudely after a fashion of
Newtonian Incest, the Law of the Identically Mutual Mutuality,
and I asked them about it and when asked: they mentioned that even the
"Feeling is Mutual. 1 1 1 1, 1, 111, 1=1."

So consider our vaunted: Science, Modern Science, [our indoubatable
schema, our very basis for and simultaneously our method of
determining: gods truth] is a boring fuckery of twin siblings. Where
effect and cause, 1 and 1, fornicate into infinity, their pythagorean
clones who hold hands at the inception of equally banal segments of
successive temporality. The cause-clock awaits interminably to welcome
the inevitable Et Cetera Second Comings of the Yawning Mouth of
Narrative Miracality, in horrifically predictable perfect ongoings of
points of time dubbed: EVENTS.

So I ask, what might happen when the monotony of: 1-time, witnesses
hundreds group-wink-inged at it? What tonnage of drenching saline,
might this ugly discursive corpse perspire if I merely wink? Follwed
by an arrival on a specular ripple, merely sailing, without a stroke
of a swimmer's propulsion. Picture 30, 1 and 90 eyes stuttering the
specific light dribbling past their iris hoops. Neither unreasonable
nor reasoned, authorized nor against, but a blinking-wink so that we
suggest that it is the far more lively in-between of these winks, that
constitute a more basic matter of mattering.

Winks are true vision, if vision sprinted a path of light-glimmers.
Glimpse! us run, and these spirits might laugh.
Our kind of "running" exceeds all its finite restriction. Not through
expertise, nor efficiency, nor utility, nor by dimension, but through
each person's unique perambulations as they make them possible

Our group-wink mutates the very legs of the original Greek messenger
to Marathon.
We do not suppose some primordial way to move, to be according to.
And SO, let-be the Lope-ers and the Loping Lollers. So let the Gawkers
Stroddel, the Hoppers gain in altitude, the Leaning Wool-Wilders Wane,
allow Tardy Tankardly Slomps and Whoons prevail, as the stupendously
Awkward-Creaking Lithe-Limpers be revealed in their most wondrous
RUPTURES of the incomparable.

Whatever pieces of fabric remain of the Flag of Good (that is
good=moral) health, and the people's partiotic notions of nationhood
(that is: with "little red riding" eaten by the wolf) we trampleand
obliterate with our galvanized group-wink. We give it a banality so
fierce, its severity evokes a flatness of a on old tonic water. Mr and
Mrs reproduciton as cause and effect 1 + 1 or equals to, or greater
than, are still 1,1, and in horrific genital-boredom we cannot stand
forever. The "moral health" of the "nationalhooded" local couple, is
is-not, cannot light a piece of crisp Californian birch bark with all
its flames of hilarious Christian hell. Since we invented: winking in
the dark, my limp-lamp has shined in the pupils of dull effected
national swollen glands.

AND then: the winkers wink faster than their lids can handle, they
hope to dismantle our everyday climate of singular solar impressions.
Their winks embrace the apparent image's depth, yet vex the image's
simplicity, by giving weird substance to the playful. Shadows! The
herds of 11111's have been infected. Their gallop waning, Blinkled and
omitted. Still, Group-Wink will not give a single sentence of
conception, a word of reason, a line of code to the forever receding
presence and yet persistence of flickering in-betweenity. It paints
the inbreeding of causality, with a luminous coral reef stencil
gloriously taking the disaster of the reasoned-heterosex-Enlightenment-lineage from behind, approaching from the rear, a heliotropic shaft mounting a naked faust and a sears mannequin, leaving behind the bent over bent knee of same-repetitions of 'mom and dad-effect'causes, we wink and wink in a nearness of loving place, as a star
might winkle, BLINK.
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