The Busy Signals: New record, I like this sort of Punk Rock sndslike: "rock and roll adventure kids"

Dec 13, 2007 15:15

oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh o oh oh oh oh oh oh


Friday will be great, cause I know a secret that another other will know will know then.

Well I am writitng and so on, about Henri Bergson. Duree. qualititative and quantitative multiplicities.unity. Specifically time's temporality in its explaintory power for understanding BOREDOM as a phenomenon of slower MEANING, and not a lack of it. Boredom is not a lack of meaning, nor an exisentail problem of modernity, nor a heideggerian depth of attunement, but a phenomenal experience of slackening, folding or slowing of a qualitiative multiplicity of movement. Boredom is not ultimately an opening for being filled with meaning. boredom has its own meaning. it is not able to "filled" unless one takes its time as spatial. boredom is not a lack but a differing pace of being in the world.
That is, things do not have "their own time," but only the time of living with them, in the pure mobility/motion of temporality of succession. while science might juxtipose moments of time as if thery were interchangable and indifferent to their situation, true time is continuous, heterogenious, interpenitrating and exceeds representaiton.

hmm thats quite messy, but its just a way-too compresed heurisitic for now. My paper on the other hand is cleaning up quite nicely.

back to it.

taking the trian to montreal on the 28th, staying with sylvie or her brother yann till the 6th, very very excited to sit all day at casa del popolo and write stories and drink the blonde beers, and eat the avacado-tomato-rye sandwitches EVERYDAY. also ou vivre (sp?) on saint Laurent, oh my, vegan restaurant/juicebar/bakery-they make their own veggie butter which they drench homeade toasted chippati's with. oi. also, will be meeting some montrealers I have made friends with during my past visits as well. rad. before then, finish 2 term papers, and visit familyage for Xmas. my bro will be here this year, that will be good.

back to it. for real this time
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