All these things I hate revolve around me

Dec 26, 2006 03:19

With another Christmas gone by, I must say alot has changed since the last one and the more I think about it, the more it hurts.
The only nice part about it was getting to spend time with my nephews, who are honestly the only people who can make me smile. But that was only for one night. I spent most of Christmas eve sleeping, but then woke up, did some last minute wrapping and did my yearly Christmas ritual of watching the Nightmare Before Christmas and everything was good while watching it, but afterwards, I just sat in front of my tv, watching music videos. I stumbled across the song All these things I hate (Revolve Around Me) and once again, some parts of the song reminded me of a certain sombody. Christmas Day: I woke up at 1:00, opened some of my presesnts( I have to wait till my stepdad comes home from Chicago to open the rest). Ater sittin around for a little bit, myself, my mom and Brad went over to my grandma's house. I don't get to see my family that much, but things seemed different, normally I enjoy seeing everyone, but it just seemed like everyone was kind of in their own world. It was nice having Brad there to talk to, we were either sitting on the couch not saying anything or outside smoking. Afterwards, we went back to my house, got in Brad's truck and drove out to Farmington to pick up his cousin, who neither of us had seen since the summer, so it was nice to see him. After that we went to Brad's sister's house and sat in their hot tub for a little bit, which felt really good because my legs, for whatever reason have been really hurting. And now I sit in my den, drinking chai, listening to Beethoven and about to go smoke a clove. I hate to sound like a negative nancy, but this has been defintatley one of the worse Christmas's that I've had.......actually scratch that, this was the worst one. It's almost funny how I was feeling good and my mood as of late has been really up and I've actually been relativley happy. But as soon as I realized that it was going to be Christmas, things just kinda went downhill. On the brightside, I am starting school January 9th, I've been wrting some songs that people who've read them rather enjoyed and I'm still sober. Hmmmm....just the thought of those things actually makes me kinda smile. Well that's all for tonight, ta ta for now.....I'm off to drink my chai and have a clove and then it's bedtime for me. So in the immortal words of Gerard Way of MCR.....So Long and Goodnight.
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