Dec 02, 2004 15:50
ok.. to start off.. i'd like to thank everyone who said it to me today.. and especially Justin Smith, Karla Christenson, who called me this morning at 12 a/m to be the first to say it.. and Abrye for leaving me a spectacular voicemail. Josh Rio, nice commenting, keep it up. and to you asshole out there who keeps saying random shit on my comments, just stop. your lame and i have NOTHING to prove to you. NOTHING. got that? anyways.. today hasnt been that great. had to work from 11-3 and i continue to work all weekend. whatever whatever. now its "family" time but i'd rather be left alone. i'm in a so-so mood. you think i'd be happy considering I'M 18 TODAY but nah.. its just another day. crappy to say the least.. well, the weather anyway. Nicole Davila, i thoroughly enjoyed our phone conversation yesterday. it was good to hear from you! i think i'm gunna go shower.. i'm kinda sticky w/ food particles and thats not to hot.. Randy Adams.. where have you gone? until next time.. peace and love~