What I need.

Aug 02, 2004 13:18

I admit it, I am a shitty person, but I still have needs and I will still try to find a way to meet them. My needs are:

1. Love. I need someone who will love me, and will let me love them. Someone who will be my companion and will give me everything they have, the same way I give them everything I have. I can't afford to give everything away to someone who doesn't give back.

2. I need a hug. I need to be held, I need to be able to hold someone. Sometimes I need to cry, and I need someone to cry with me. I can't go three weeks without a hug, it just burns me up. And not a little fake hug, like the "Fine then, this should satisfy you hug," Because that just makes me feel patronized and like shit. I need a real hug.

3. And I know that you all are going to think that htis is the one that really makes me the terrible person, but, its something that would in improve my disposition and get alongability in a lot of ways, so if you think this makes me some sort of shit hole, please, and I honestly mean this- tell me so, then fuck off so I can stop being friends with you, or pretending to be friends with you. (and by now I have wandered from my point, so to return), I need to get laid. Its been a damn long time, and it makes me on edge. This is the longest I've gone since I lost my virginity freshmen year. I really want to eat some pussy. I miss the taste. I want to feel myself inside of a woman again.

So there, that being said, I can repeat my tangent from point 3- if you think bad things about me for any of this, or for any reason whatsoever, please tell me so I can stop bothering you with my prescence. I hate it when people pretend to be your friend. I hate it so much. So don't pretend to be my friend, please if you hate me, let me know so I can hate you too.

On the other hand, if you can meet any of my needs, let me know, because I sure could use something. And that's all I have to say right now, goodbye.
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