Feb 05, 2007 22:37
Claire's dad = I salute thee, sir. I swear, if there had been time to make the Samuel L. Jackson speech from Pulp Fiction, that so would've been yours.
Hiro's sis, Kimiko = You looked REALLY familiar. I thought you were the crazy corporation lady from Teppan Shoujo Akane but alas, you were not. either way, you are hawt, madam. you can wear the corporate business pants around me any day.
Sylar = Your pee pee must be really, really small. Too bad you can't fix that.
Nathan = I can no longer call you Nathan. I must now call you Pimp Daddy Nate. you did it to yourself, sir.
Hiro = EEEE~ You are far too cute, Boku Boy. *pinches cheeks*
George Takei = You sir, are just too awesome for the g33k world. Even if you never show up on another episode ever again, you are still awesome. Thank you for showing another sci-fi show some love.