while i'm still pretty piss broke from fixing up my car and buying collectors editions of Burning Crusade for peoples, i HAD to buy
Hotel Dusk, just because i knew it'd take forever to get it back in stock when they all sold out. so here i am with it.
wow. just. wow.
anybody who's ever seen the
music video for the song Take On Me by A-Ha knows how friggin' awesome it is, especially for the time that it came out. even with the bad 80s hair and clothes. and of course, it's a kick ass song.
Hotel Dusk reminds me A LOT of that video just because it's executed in somewhat of the same manner. they have pencil sketchings over color backgrounds that are somewhat animated. sure, a lot of it is recycled, especially on the speaking spots but damn if the style just doesn't make me love it from the get go. definately a step up from Trace Memory, which i also loved playing.
i'm just hoping that the actual playtime of the game is a lot longer than Trace Memory but it's hard to say since i think the in-game/story time is only supposed to be the length of an evening or at most 24hrs since that's the amount of time your character checks into the hotel for. we'll see i guess.
ugh...i'll finish all my DS games eventually. really.
*eyes FF3, Phoenix Wright 1, EBA, Trauma Center, Cooking Mama, etc etc...* ~_~;
oh yes, and i <3 NCSoft for having double XP weekends on CoH/V. XD can't get that on WoW! \o/
oh, and yes,
muimi07, there is another hawt megane woman in Hotel Dusk. ;3