
May 03, 2009 00:08

tweets brought to you by ME! :D

  • 03:15 loves how utterly RIDICULOUS people are on MMOs sometimes. 10,000 gold for a lvl 1 pet?! Stats aren't even that banging... *rollseyes* #
  • 03:33 @ oooshiny yay insomnia? n.n; #
  • 03:35 is totally gonna throw elbows to get to this. #
  • 16:40 does not approve of this muggy weather but she does approve of Red Mango's new flavor. Derrrrricious!  #
  • 17:46 @ MagicalEmi oh I forgot to ask if you ever got Gourmet to work in your DVD player. If not, I might be able to get an alternative sub. #
  • 21:01 @ oberstein LOL yeah... I totally wanted to watch it but uhh guess there wasn't all that much to watch. Back to work. n.n; #
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