been a while

Apr 02, 2006 23:38

about six months in fact since my last post. incredible. a little after the time of my last one, i met a girl named Nadine. I wont go into specifics, and i mentioned her to a few, but lets just say it felt like she sucked the life out of me. Thankfully, i feel like i have come out of this state for quite a while now, i just havent felt like taking the time to do this. a few random thoughts about what has been going on with me lately to mark the occasion.

my aunt says i am becoming too much of a cynic for my own good, and will soon need to be reprogrammed.

for some reason, i have had much trouble spelling when i type the past few weeks ( i had to fix three errors on this last sentance alone, not including this one.) this has been a problem for typing movie reviews and my recent delving into mathematical theory

im really on to something in my physics class. i am doing terrible in the class, but i understand it. Honestly, it has been my mind altering class of the semester. Changing world perspectives is a good thing, and there is a cute stoner girl in there kinda on the same wavelength as me. She says she is Tantric Hindu...i wonder how that mixes with a cynical Daoist( if thats what i am). We both like to make fun of bible beaters too. i would be doing awesome in the class gradewise, but my teacher is a Nazi that has really really really hard tests that almost have no correspondance with what we learn in labs and the few times she lectures, or what we read in the book. Right about now, i could use a Jessica backed teacher firing assistance, but she is the head of the department (i think).

Shakespeare actually kicks ass, but i think i had to learn a new language to understand it.

i think i want to be a philosophy major, but i am not sure how much of a future there is in it, nor do i know if i would like it beyond my current level. I dont think i am good enough or passionate enough in any one subject to pursue that field. I even like math this semester. Brace yourself, that may mean the universe is collapsing on itself.

I may soon have a roommate....details later

Narcissus has been a focus lately. after discussions with emily about being narcissistic, i have examined myself and this quality. i just came to the idea that this post may be a bit narcissistic. Maybe not, i dunno.

i have a fascination with typing in asides during text where i think i would be talking.

anyways, for my dear friends who read this that i have not communicated with lately, i apologize.
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