(no subject)

Aug 09, 2005 00:12

Today was very bland. Nothing special. Tasteless. Even the beer im drinking is kind of dull. At least football is starting. My night seemed to be on the verge of bad when the tape of the hall of fame game was playing the days of our lives. luckily, i had forgotten to rewind. So i guess tuesday is off to a good start.
The last few weeks i have felt numb. That is the only way i can describe it. Even school burned me out this summer. Never ever again will i take a 5 week class. I got a B in the class, but i think i just squeaked by. I did very well on the first and third papers, but the second, fourth and fifth i did not fare so well. I was unsatisfied with my own work, but i just didnt have enough time to develop my work to my own satisfaction, and Rachel, my teacher, was well aware of it. Even though my second paper was a bust, she did tell me my analysis of Stephen Crane's "The Open Boat" was one of the more unique perspectives she had ever read. My research paper was awful. I basically re-wrote my argumentative paper from comp I. Rachel did not like it at all, and she really let me have it. I know i deserved it, but what more can i say other than i guess im just lazy.
i did feel something today. watching nfl live they were making yet another big deal over ricky williams coming back to football and how he left and everything, and all the stupid tv guys could not understand why he did it. I can fully understand why he did it. Fed up with being in the spotlight, and the guy wanted to find himself. Sick of the system, so he tried to get away from it. Not everyone is so lucky to even get a temporary escape. I guarantee the only reason he came back is because he owes the Dolphins over 8 million dollars. after all, its just a game. Its too bad so much goes into something that is just that. I say this and yet im one of the dumbasses spending so much money on season tickets. As much as i dont think football means anything to me, i still dont want the tickets going elsewhere, because going to a game is a nice temporary escape. I get to scream my head off and be simple for three hours 10 days in the fall, its like being in my teenage years again, only i screamed my head off all the time then.
What other choice do we have but keep plugging away and treat each day like a new deal? Drag your feet, and the world will leave you behind.
Anyways, i know i havent talked to anyone in a while, but ive tried to keep up on LJ updates, i hope everyone is well.
by the way, the only reason im drinking beers is because i have too many in the mini, and need to make some room. in a few days, my cousin garret is moving in, so i will be able to enlist help. ;-)
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