Call me crazy (YOU'RE CRAZY!!!!!!)

May 20, 2005 02:19

the last two days i have had this strange, painful sensation in my left hand, centering around the third knuckle of my ring finger. not two minutes ago, im sitting here, freezing from the cranked A/C, and my left hand just feels like someone lit it on fire.

i dont know what to make of all this.

two grades have come in...4.0 so far. the two in question are still waiting in the wings. i went to sell my books today, school took back one out of five. english fetched me 25 bucks, philosophy is not in good enough shape, math and biology were already overstocked. i took the biology and an old psychology textbook and got a whopping two dollars for them at Half priced books & music. i dont feel bad, at least someone will get some cheap knowledge, the world needs more of that.

goodnight world, im going to wake up in the morning and enjoy a fresh breath of summer vacation.
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