Politics and bloggers don't mix.

Oct 07, 2008 13:28

Like every real informed voter, I take a look at all sides of debate. But what gets me is how out of control the wannabe politico bloggers are. I can understand the duty to show your support for your candidate of choice. But there needs a line drawn when it comes to giving bloggers credibility and attention. Case in point: Politico Blooger is making a case for his choice Candidate A, by blogging about some 9/11 conspiracy nut deserving the Noble Prize. Okay let's stay on track here and not go down that road. Anyways, said blogger continues to compare Candidate A to "this brave outspoken" person and how Candiate A will to be remembered with other NPP winners like Ayssir Aryfat? I mean come on if you want to compare yor candidate to a NPP wwinner you don't throw out the name of a terrorist, who at no time really tried to bring peace, but liveed in a medialand of smoke and mirrors. And to further add sad credibility to this person his blog was featured on MSNBC. Now is the time for us voters out there to really stop reading the bloggers or the websites ran by Candidate A or B. Go out there and research the voting record thru the congressional websites, see the facts not the twist on the facts.

As a parent it scares me that the fate of this election hangs on those "educated" by the Hollywood,Primetime, sound byte driven "news" sources, and rouge bloogers. There was a time when I thought we as a country was going to rise above the sound byte culture and the illegitimate politicos would be drowned out by sensible people. But it appears I was sadly mistaken.
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