"So much time, and so little to do! Strike that, reverse it."
Here I am trying to get everything together for my first tour, and it's a bit overwhelming at times. I have the merch designs finished now trying to find good places to get everything done. It would probably be a lot easier to just do everything online but I would really prefer to keep it all local. You know, support local business and all that.
The big project is trying to get the compilation CD done in time. Trying to keep track of everyone and keep it all organized in such a short time frame is rough. I don't even know if we will get enough funding for it. Some days I just want to give up on it really, but too many people give up on Detroit too quickly so I am in this until the end. We're accepting donations at
http://www.gofundme.com/ts4yo if you would like to help, and there are some cool reward levels on there too.
Well, enough for now, I'm off to see a guy about some t-shirts! :)